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Showing posts from April, 2015

Free Retail Data Collection Software

Gathering retail data allows companies to manage store performance in a more efficient and cost-effective way. Adopting a mobile data collection solution for retail execution enables manufacturers and retailers to perform their own retail audits so they can get a clear picture of retail conditions. A comprehensive and easy to deploy software solution for retail data collection allows field reps to conduct retail audits using portable mobile devices. Field team managers instantly get real-time and precise data about retail performance and are able to quickly address any issues that arise.   VisitBasis is a mobile data collection and field representative management software for businesses with field merchandising, field sales and store audits operations. It allows field operations managers to oversee all stages of the store audit, field merchandising and field sales processes, from assigning territories and scheduling visits/tasks to immediately retrieving results through

Using Retail Data Analytics to Streamline Retail Operations

The retail success relies on the ability to analyze store performance data, collected during retail visits, and use it to make data-driven decisions. Retailers collect data at points of sale to ensure their products are properly priced and managed, to gain consumer loyalty and customer satisfaction. Using present-day mobile technologies for paperless data collection allows companies to gather real-time store data to streamline retail operations for greater efficiency and profitability.  VisitBasis has developed an easy-to-use data collection solution that automates your field process giving you time to focus on your retail operations. VisitBasis uses the latest mobile technology to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of retail data collection: your mobile reps will have all the information they need to succeed at their fingertips and you will be able to monitor the results in real time. Using VisitBasis software for data collection you are able

VisitBasis Introduces Innovative Reporting Capabilities

New version of retail audit and sales force automation software makes it easy for managers to view and sort through large volumes of field data Miami, FL (PRWEB) April 27, 2015  - VisitBasis has just unveiled a considerable upgrade to its popular mobile data collection system that includes innovative reporting capabilities. The main new feature on the VisitBasis Office browser-based app is Simple Query, a window where users can filter and sort data according to their needs at the click of a button. Simple Query makes it easy for field operations and sales managers to quickly visualize relevant information such as orders placed or customers where reps recorded specific answers to survey questions. This means that they will not have to go through large amounts of data or export it to other software in order to locate the information they are looking for, saving time and speeding up decision-making. Other features on the newest VisitBasis version include the Event Ma

Field Marketing Software Solution: Overcoming the Challenges of Field Force Management

Managing field teams has become highly complicated, with a significant number of people, processes and actions to oversee. Field marketing managers constantly face great number of challenges including weak feedback, slow data workflow, significant time gaps between field marketing events and appropriate company’s actions, data errors and lost paperwork, fraudulent reports and so on. The good news is that today mobile technologies provide solutions for all the challenges identified and even more! Using field service management software for standard mobile devices, we all are already used to, allow field team managers to effectively organize and control sales reps on the go. In the previous article we identified the benefits of field marketing software . The purpose of this article is to consider the common challenges field team managers face and to describe the ways field service software can help solve these challenges while improving productivity of field reps and reducin